When we said yes to each other, was the day I thought I won all my battles,
But who knew there were so many obstacles to tackle.
When we used to look each other with our loveful eyes,
We decided I to be yours and you to be mine.
No one ever knew you would mess up things just with that silly mistake,
Now that was the time when I realised I needed a break.
I still tried my best to sort things out,
But you missunderstood everything throughout.
I made my dream ours,
And stood beside you each and every hour.
Full of thoughts in the mind stared the stars above,
Expecting to be loved the way as I love.
You were so in love with me that you couldn’t resist yourself not to apologize,
And it was foolish of me to let my anger fly away as the time flies.
Once again we thought of giving it a try,
But this time we promised each other never to say goodbye.
The moment with thought the victory was ours,
Was the moment when things started falling apart.
That was the day when everything started to complicate,
I tried my best to save everything but not to toxicate.
I still remember our promises that we made to one another,
And we know we won’t be able to love anyone like we did to each other. ~Akanksha Sinha